Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nevada Caucus

So Bernie won as expected but on the other hand race is gearing up for a tough primary contest. Emotions, passion and competitiveness were visible among voters and candidates in play. It seems like it will be a fight between progressives vs moderates. I think the fight will be between Bernie VS Pete or Biden or Bloomberg. Don’t think Amy or Warren will make it to the end. So no diverse or women candidates will represent the Democrats against Trump. Although I still think a progressive candidate like Bernie may not be able to beat Trump at the end, I am hopeful he can beat Trump given that his campaign has similar passions and if he can woo some Trump supporters to his camp.  As far as the moderate wing of the Democratic Party is concerned I don’t see anyone other than Pete as viable but I don’t think America is yet ready for an openly Gay President. So I am still very much undecided on who to vote for this November. I know who I am not voting for!

Just another day (wrote on 1-22-20)

Well it was another normal day as usual but I worked from home today. I had to for a doctor’s appointment locally. Anticipating something dramatic after meeting my cardiologist but he thought it’s not that much of a concern. Sort of disappointed on his casual but cautious approach but on the other hand felt good that I am on my way to recovery soon. I just have to wait it out. Take it as part of daily life and so as much normal stuffs as I can do without pushing too hard. Apart from that nothing interesting happened given that I was home all day more or less. Tomorrow is going to be another work from home day given that I have another doctor’s appointment on 3:30 pm. Let’s see how interesting tomorrow can be. 

Vacation Over (wrote on 1-19-20)

So today officially wrapped up my vacation (if you call it given that I had to be in hospital for 5 days in Bangladesh for a medical condition). Anyway I landed in Newark Liberty airport at around 8:15 am but hardly saw any trace of overnight snow sleet and rain. It was somewhat chilly and windy given that I came from a moderate mid 60s temperature in Bangladesh. My Uber showed up under 8 mins which I did not expect that quickly to be honest. I was expecting to be exhausted with Jet Lag and the 14 plus hours flight but did not feel that tired and sleepy strangely. I rather spent this afternoon driving to nearby stores buying essential foods, fruits and juices which I needed to have to fill out my empty refrigerator. Then I ended up watching some TV (I mean Netflix) while elevating my right leg as much as I can as recommended by the doctor. Luckily tomorrow is holiday due to MLK day so I got an extra day to relax and rest before starting my ever consuming but intriguing work in NYC. I guess that’s it for today. Will chat with you all tomorrow.